Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Telling the Grandparents

We knew the moment we told our parents would be special, but we had to do it in a Brad & Shasta sort of way. So what did we do?…bought them electronics….a web camera for their computers! We couldn’t wait any longer and on a whim decided to drive into Lafayette to tell the Bertrands and Peltiers. Unfortunately, we had to fabricate a web of lies as an explination of why we were coming in so last minute. I think we told the Bertrands that my friend Sadi was having a party to celebrate her 30th birthday…which she did, just not that weekend. We told my parents that everyone was getting together at Jimmy’s to watch College Football and we really wanted to see everyone.

We arrived at the Bertrands and planned to tell them right away, but there was a relative there visiting and spending the night. Brad and I were dying inside and thought our plan was doomed. During the first moment alone with Brad's parents our plan sprung into action. Brad walked into the living room and handed Ms. Jenny the webcam telling her how much we love ours and that we thought they would like to have one too. She and Mr. Keith both seemed puzzled but thanked us anyway. Ms. Jenny then says, “O, this would work whenever they have a baby”. Brad then said, “Yeah, we knew you guys would need it when our baby comes”. It took a moment to sink in and the first screams were heard “I’m going to be a Grandmother”. I think Mr. Keith was still in shock and Ms. Jenny kept up her screaming.

The next morning we woke up early and headed to my parents house. They were both sitting outside when we got there, so we walked up holding the webcam. We gave them the same “line” and they both thought it was a cool gift. I then said “yeah, we thought you could use it when our baby comes”. After a second it finally sunk in and the tears starting flowing. You see I am an only child and you can imagine how important it is, for my parents, that I am pregnant with their first grandbaby.

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