Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cameron Pull Up Video

Baby Pull Ups

Cameron pulled up for the first time Monday night. Brad thought Cam would like to sit in the laundry basket...and Cameron did, so it became his new favorite toy for the moment. Cam immediatley grabbed the sides of the laundry basket and pulled himself up. All three of us were shocked and amazed. Cameron was so proud of himself that he then sat and pulled up over and over again.

Cameron has also been doing lots of talking. He is making the "ba" and "da" sounds. He actually says "da da da" over and over....I guess "ma ma" will not be his first word.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Houston...We Have A Problem

NASA is ready to recruit Cameron. Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy 6 months Cameron!

Cameron is 6 months old today. O my gosh, he is growing so fast. I have asked him to stop but it is clear he is not listening.

Cam can sit up on his own and is enjoying his new view of life. He plays while sitting up and now takes baths that way too. Drooling has started so I imagine teething is on its way. He is such a happy little boy who is always smiling. He has learned to jump while playing in his Baby Einstein saucer. He now makes everyone who holds him his personal trampoline.

He continues to put everything in his mouth and reaches out for everything. Taking him shopping is becoming a challenge. Cam crys when we leave a room or when we don't pick him up quick enough after we pick him up from daycare. It is so cute and we love it.

Cameron is very observant and is constantly "studying" the world around him. He is so focused when playing and it is so amazing and enjoyable to watch him.

Big thanks to Jymme Shafer for Cam's skeleton onesie. We love it and have gotten so many compliments on it. Thanks Jymme!