Sunday, February 28, 2010

These Boots Are Made For Walking

Cameron is walking! He is confident and is very excited about his new way of travel. Cameron is an affectionate and FEARLESS little boy. Just last week, I had to sign two incident reports at for his finger and the other for the "strawberry" on his forehead (see picture below).

Cameron is constantly smiling and laughing. We hope this is a reflection of his little personality. He sleeps through the night and eats like a horse. He talks a lot and mostly says da-da, ba-ba and na-na. We have not mastered ma-ma. He can drink from a sippy cup and occasionally clinches his hand to say bye-bye. He recently figured out that his hand fits nicely inside the VCR. His hair is still blond and it looks like he will keep those blue eyes.

Cameron has one tooth!

Incident Report...