Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Bare Necessities

This past weekend Brad and I started our baby registries. Let me just say, it was just as overwhelming as it was hilarious. Our first stop was Target, where we were given a scanner and a “must have “list. First of all, we didn’t know what half of the items of the list were and we were confused why we needed so many of these items. That excursion didn’t last long.

Next, we went to Babies R Us. If you have ever been there, you can imagine how overwhelming that shopping trip was. We were given another scanner and a “must have” checklist and then were set free in this sea of baby gear. First on the list…..bottles. AHHH WHAT!!! There were so many, how could anyone make that decision. I quickly made a phone call to my friend Janna for some advice. She is a new mom, so I knew she would be in “the know”.

We then decided that we should just chill and have fun with this. Well, Brad had lots of fun with the scanner. At times I could not see what he was scanning, but I could hear beep after beep after beep. It was a fun day and even funnier when we reviewed the 11 pages of items we had scanned..ended up with 8 swaddling blankets….I wonder how that happened.

The crazy thing about the baby registry is that it is actually things you need, which is different from a wedding registry that is primarily stuff you want. It is hard to imagine right now how one little 8lb baby will use or need all of those things to survive…or maybe most of those things are to help Brad and I survive.

P.S. Baby is perfect, healthy and right on track. Momma is still feeling great and Daddy is still bragging about his baby boy! Also, Jack is ready to meet his little brother.

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