Friday, May 8, 2009

Settling In

This past week was a big week for Cameron...many new milestones. His cord fell off this past week, so we were able to give him his first bath on Saturday.
He really liked it and even "christened" the water twice. He seemed very content and did enjoy being in the water. His 2 week well baby check-up was also last week.

He grew an entire inch and now weighs 9 lbs 6 ozs (was born 8 lb 2oz). His doctor is very pleased with his weight gain and says he is a healthy baby.

Cameron is doing great. He is sleeping well at night and is allowing his parents 3-4hours of sleep at a time. He absolutely hates to have his diaper changed.

His hair is still blond and we do not know what his eye color is yet.

Mom and dad are doing great too! I think we are finally getting into some sort of routine and every day gets better and better.We are enjoying him so much, even at the 4am feeding. Cameron is so sweet and it makes us so happy when he wakes up and we get to see those beautiful eyes. He is truly amazing.

I am feeling great am thrilled to say I am less than 10 lbs away from my pre-baby weight. Cameron was very generous and I have to thank him
for being gentle on my body...No stretch marks!!!

1 comment:

Sarah Shalley said...

love these! i can't wait to come see him. in just a few weeks, my life is simpler and i won't be in school anymore. we'll come over with some dinner. : )